Feminist Leadership, Movement Building and Rights Institute East Africa 18.11.2013 – 23.11.2013, Nairobi (Kenya) The fifth Feminist Leadership, Movement Building and Rights Institute is a week-long course designed to strengthen feminist leadership, strategies and collective power for social transformation in Africa. The Institute will combine reflection on the current political landscape as well as past organising strategies for women’s rights in Africa by using a trans-movement-building approach. Looking at diverse movements in Africa and globally, participants will be able to relate some of the experiences and lessons from these movements to their own contexts, countries, and regions.Applications are due on or before 15 September 2013. To apply online, go to the following website: http://apps3.creaworld.org/creaforms/node/17 In memory of Anna Politkovskaya 2013-10-07 Seven years ago, on October 7th of 2006, our PeaceWoman Anna Politkovskaya was brutally murdered in the staircase of her apartment in Moscow. On this very sad day we want to remember Anna’s courage and her fearless struggle against injustice and human rights violations. Last Friday the British NGO Raw in War gave the Anna Politkovskaya Award to Malala Yousafzai – a very brave and young woman from Pakistan who stands up and bravely claims the right of education for all children. We congratulate Malala Yousafzai for raising her voice for all girls and boys all over the world. Website: http://bit.ly/YMz0N Enough! No More Violence Against Women and Girls! 11.01.2013, Delhi (India) Following the recent death of a young Indian woman who was raped by a group of men on a bus in New Delhi, the Co-President of the 1000 Peacewomen, Kamla Bhasin, has written a statement to express her feelings about this horrifying incident and to call for a culture of respect, dignity and equality for girls and women across the globe.Another LIFE, another LIGHT, full of energy and potential has been snuffed out by violent masculinity and our woman-hating mind set and culture. As part of this culture I am ASHAMED!!I bow my head in SHAME and in GRIEF. I share the pain and loss of the family and friends of the latest victim of violence against women.A Billion women and girls routinely face such violence in the world. As we mourn today let us resolve to say ENOUGH!! No more violence against women and girls.Let us resolve to put an end to our woman-hating mind set, cultural beliefs and practices. A deep change needs to take place INSIDE each one of us, WITHIN our families and IN all the institutions we are part of.Let us resolve to create a culture of respect and dignity for girls and women, a culture of equality, mutual respect, democracy and peace in our families and every where else.I salute the spirit of feminine strength and values and the spirit of the young woman who passed on. I know that only her body has died. Her spirit, like the spirit of our struggles, is IMMORTAL.Kamla Bhasin Exhibition «1000 PeaceWomen Across the Globe»23.11.2012 – 30.11.2012, Panama (Panama), Simon Bolivar’s Main Library Lobby of the University of PanamaOn November 23, 2012 the Exhibition «1000 PeaceWomen Across the Globe» took place in Simon Bolivar’s Main Library Lobby of the University of Panama. The aforementioned exhibition was organized by CEDEM (Centro para el Desarrollo de la Mujer) and the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office, PeaceWomen Across the Globe (PWAG). The opening of the ceremony was in charge of Dr. Urania Ungo, Director of CEDEM, who explained the importance of the exhibition. After that, María Julia Moreyra, Regional Coordinator of PWAG, talked about PeaceWomen Across the Globe, the history and meaning of the exhibition and she highlighted the history and role of PeaceWomen (PW) from Panama. Ediofelina Fuentes, PW from Panama, referred to her experience as PeaceWoman and her feelings when she knew that she was one of the 1000 women nominated to the Nobel Prize in 2005. Alma Montenegro de Fletcher, another PW from Panama, attended the event, too.Unfortunately, the third Peacewoman from Panama, Marta Matamoros, died some years ago.The ribbon cutting ceremony was in charge of Ediofelina Fuentes and Alma Montenegro’s sister. After that, the public could appreciate the exhibition which remained open until November 30, 2012.We want to express our deepest gratitute to PeaceWomen Ediofelina Fuentes and Alma Montenegro de Fletcher; Dr. Urania Ungo and her work team: Sheila Ramos, Kamaris Aldeano, Ricardo Martinez, Marina Abrego, Lorena Jove and María José Magallanes. Solidarity with Honduran PeaceWoman Itsmania Pineda Platero Bern/Buenos Aires, 23.05.2012 Itsmania Pineda Platero is one of the 1000 PeaceWomen who were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. As journalist and human rights defender especially of children, young people and women, as well as director of the organization XIBALBA Arte y Cultura, she has been object to constant persecution and death threats over the past year. Honduras is considered one of the most dangerous countries in the world. In 2004, 30.7 homicides were registered per 100 000 inhabitants according to the World Health Organization and in 2011, the equivalent amount was 86.5. Itsmania Pineda Platero’s profession as journalist bears high risks today in Honduras where freedom of expression, a fundamental human right, is rigorously violated: Since the military coup in 2009, 18 journalists have been murdered and what is worse, 100% of the cases are resulting in impunity as no one has been condemned and made responsible for these murders. PeaceWomen Across the Globe calls for the solidarity with Itsmania Pineda Platero. We want to express our support also to the numerous other journalists in the country whose human rights are violated, and to their families. We demand the Honduran government to respect the national laws and international agreements Honduras is obligated to and, to restore the right for freedom of expression and information. Furthermore, we call for the adoption of adequate measures for the protection of journalists and social activists who fall victims of crimes due to their profession. Clarifying the human rights violations against the Honduran people will not only bring peace to the families of the victims but, will also present a positive message for the humanity. Ruth-Gaby Vermot Mangold Co-President María Julia Moreyra Coordinator/Latin America More information on www.1000peacewomen.org Promote the implementation of UNSCR 1325: Show the PWAG exhibition «No Women – No Peace» in your town! Febr 15, 2012, Bern (Switzerland) The exhibition is available in English, German, Arabic, Spanish and French. «No Women – No Peace» is an exhibition launched by PeaceWomen Across the Globe for the 10th Anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2010. Since then, it has been shown in numerous locations around the world.The exhibition is an ideal tool to draw attention to the importance of women’s participation in peace processes and, inform the civil society and governmental and non-governmental institutions about the contents of UNSCR 1325.«No Women – No Peace» is presented in three parts:- Posters about the history and contents of the Resolution 1325, including translations of the first demand of the resolution, examples of Good Practice and short biographies of and quotes by PeaceWomen. The posters are available in English, German, French, Spanish and Arabic.- DVD with video statements of 31 PeaceWomen from 17 countries on Resolution 1325 in their original languages with English subtitles.- 1000 postcards with impressive portraits of the 1000 women from 150 countries who were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005.For more information and overview of the posters, please follow the link below or contact our International Secretariat. –«No Women – No Peace» at the UN in Geneva |
2011-02-28 – 2011-03-25, Geneva (Switzerland), Palais des Nations |
PeaceWomen Across the Globe presents the exhibition «No Women – No Peace» in the UN in Geneva. |
PeaceWomen Across the Globe is pleased to show the exhibition «No Women – No Peace» on the occasion of the UN Human Rights Council Session. During a month, hundreds of human rights representatives from all countries will be present. «No Women – No Peace» will not only be in their field of vision, but invite them to look at the various exhibition elements and to be inspired by the peace-building work of women. The exhibition will be opened on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day on 08 March. In addition, PeaceWomen organizes in collaboration with WILPF and Geneva Call the workshop «No Women – No Peace. 1325 for Human Rights» on 23 March. |
Website: www.1000peacewomen.org/eng/projekte_10yearsUNSCR1325.php |
«No women – No peace»: Exhibition on UNSC Resolution 1325 in Bern
2010-11-01 – 2010-11-20, Bern (Switzerland), Public spaces, Kultur-Casino, Erlacherhof, Kino der Reitschule, Kino Cinématte
A multi media exhibition by PeaceWomen Across the Globe, supported by the Political Affairs Division IV of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the city of Bern.
Women are especially concerned about war and violence. Across the globe, women actively work to find and create peaceful solutions to violent conflict. History clearly demonstrates that real peace and security are only possible when women are involved in peace processes, bringing their experiences and needs to the table.
In 2000, the UN Security Council recognized this by adopting Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security, demanding the inclusion of women in all peace negotiations. Ten years later, we are still very far away from this goal. Hopes and expectations remain unfulfilled.
Today, the 1000 PeaceWomen nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005 turn yet again to the UN Security Council, to UN member states and to the public with an urgent demand: Implement Resolution 1325 now! Our message is clear. No Women – No Peace.
2010/11/1 –20
PWAG poster exhibition «No Women – No Peace» in the city of Bern, with
the support of the Political Affairs Division IV of the FDFA and the city of Bern.
Opening of the exhibition, Bern, Erlacherhof, 11:30 pm
«10 Years of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, Chances &
Boundaries», conference hosted by FDFA, the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport, and KOFF, Kultur-Casino Bern, 9:00-13:30.
Cinema in the Reitschule, Bern (Switzerland)
«Snijeg – Snow» (Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2008): 2010/11/4, 8:30 pm
«Pray the Devil Back to Hell» (USA, Liberia, 2008): 2010/11/5, 9:00 pm and 2010/11/6, 6:00 pm
«Sturm», (Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, 2009): 2010/11/6, 9:00 pm
Cinema Xenix, Zürich (Switzerland)
«SREBRENICA 360» (Switzerland, 2009): 2010/11/11, 7:15 pm, followed by a discussion with the historian Mira Duronjic and with the producers Conny Kipfer and Renate Metzger-Breitenfellner
«Ordinary People» (France, Switzerland, Serbia, Netherlands, 2009): 2010/11/11, 9:15 pm
Cinema Sputnik, Liestal (Switzerland)
«SREBRENICA 360» (Switzerland, 2009): 2010/11/18, 8:15 pm
Cinema Cinématte, Bern (Switzerland)
«SREBRENICA 360» (Switzerland, 2009): 2010/11/21, 5:00 pm; introduced by Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold, president of PWAG; followed by a discussion with the producers
Download: Flyer_PWAG_1325_Bern.pdf, Flyer_EDA_de.pdf, Flyer_EDA_eng.pdf
Webseite: www.eda.admin.ch/eda/de/home/dfa/orgcha/sectio/pad/pad4/un_res.html
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